30 Jan Eight Good Reasons to Use a Thermal Pool Cover
There are many benefits to owning a thermal pool cover.
Our clients have saved a lot of money and water over the years.
So we wanted to tell you all the great things about owning a thermal pool cover and how it can benefit you, and the environment.
So here are eight good reasons to use a thermal pool cover for your swimming pool
First Reason
A thermal blanket can eliminate as much as 90% of water evaporation. This can significantly reduce your water bill. Generally, swimming pools loose through evaporation over twice their volume each year. With a thermal pool cover, water evaporation will be minimal.
Second Reason
A thermal pool cover will also help you save on your electricity or gas bill. Thermal blankets are very effective in retaining heat. Thus you will not need to use as much gas or electricity to heat your pool.
Third Reason
Thermal pool covers are made to last with the average life span of around ten years. So whilst thermal blankets may be more expensive than some of the other types of pool covers, your return on investment will still be better.
Fourth Reason
Thermal pool covers also assist with pools that are heated by solar heating. Most of the heat is lost out of your pool overnight when the temperature drops. If you cover your swimming pool each night with a thermal pool cover much of this heat loss will be avoided as the thermal blanket is effective in retaining the heat in your pool even when the outside temperature falls.
Fifth Reason
Thermal blankets look better. As thermal pool covers are made with a core of UV stabilised foam and have bonded outer laminates they maintain their shape well and lie nearly and flat on the pool. They are also tough, light and flexible. Flimsier pool covers just do not look as good as thermal blankets do.
Sixth Reason
You do not have to worry about moving your thermal blanket out of the sun on hot days. Unlike cheaper counterparts thermal pool covers do not melt or overheat if left on the roller during hot summer days.
Seventh Reason
Whilst thermal blankets maintain the heat in your pool, they also block out the sunlight. This means that there is less chance of algae growth in your pool. It will also mean that you need to use less chemicals to keep your pool sanitary, thus your thermal pool blanket will reduce the amount you spend on chemicals.
Eighth Reason
You will get a much better return on your investment with a thermal pool cover. Not only does a thermal blanket last for a long period but during this period it is also paying for itself many times over due to the cost saving you obtain from reduced electric (or gas) bills, reduced water bills and less money spent on chemicals.
Eco Solar Pool Heating
Based in Brisbane Eco Solar Pool Heating can take care of all your solar pool heating needs. Through Remco Covers and Enclosures and Daisy Pool Covers and Rollers Eco Solar Pool Heating can provide and install any type of pool cover supplied by these two professional pool equipment manufacturers.
Give us a call today on 3829 3324 and we can discuss with you the best type of pool cover and/or solar pool heating system for your swimming pool.
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